Fiat 500 gearbox bearing

The Fiat 500 gearbox is fitted with a standard ball type bearings on the input shaft. This bearing is a known weak spot on this type of 5 speed manual gearbox that is fitted to various models including the Ford Ka. There is an upgraded roller bearing that can be fitted instead – this is a good upgrade especially if the standard bearing has become noisy. The part number of the roller bearing is N40021S01H100 and is available from most bearing suppliers.

fiat 500 gearbox
fiat gearbox roller bearing

To do this job is pretty straighforward and can be done at home. The main thing to remember is that it is always worth replacing the clutch at the same time whilst you have the gearbox separated from the engine. There are many how-to videos on the internet for removal of the gearbox and i did it without having to remove the front bumper of the car. You just need to be dextrous and i always clean everything down before dismantling as it is easier when you have a clean work space with mechanical tasks.

The gearbox itself needs to be separated and the standard bearing needs to be tapped off the input shaft, it comes off easily and the new roller bearing goes back in its place. Reassembly is the reverse and i used silicone sealant for the cleaned mating surfaces.

fiat 500 gearbox

The clutch i used is a valeo 3 piece kit which includes the release bearing, an essential part to replace if you are chaning the clutch pressure and centre plate.

fiat 500 clutch

The job does not take too long and fortunately with the Fiat the items are accessible and the geabox is not to heavy to manoeuver away fom the car.